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Have you been going to a conventional gym and are getting bored or unsure how to train? You found some online training programs, but you are then spending a lot of time on YouTube figuring out how to do a specific movement? You keep replaying the same video and you are still not certain you are doing it correctly? So you started looking into getting a personal trainer but find it a bit expensive? Or you just prefer a more relaxed and fun environment working out together with other people?

Then MOBOX might be right for you.

MOBOX offers strength and conditioning group sessions, with supervision from a professional coach. The workout of the day is provided and explained to you in every session. The program is provided by “The Process Programming”, built by world renowned athletes and coaches Ed Haynes and Ant Haynes. Everyone attending sessions on the same day performs the same workout and post their results online for comparison, progress tracking and as feedback to our head programmers.

Although MOBOX is more expensive than a conventional gym, we guarantee not only progression and results, but also time saving looking for training programs and other research. Most important of all, we guarantee your safety, by making sure you are doing the movements with the correct posture and technique.

Give it a try, contact us and book your free “Train For Life” trial. Make sure you are not missing the start of a great fitness journey.